In mid-January, the YWAM Hainichen staff met for a four-day "Base Camp" with the topic "Reboot - All in or All over" . It challenged us to follow God with all our heart and with new courage to take risks. Are we "All in" for God, for our ministry community, and for the people we serve? What can it mean to be "all in"? This quote particularly spoke to us: I'm not afraid of failure; I'm afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.
- William Carey (missions pioneer, 1761-1834)
This implies that making mistakes is okay. However, what is essentially important? What is worth investing my time and energy in, even if I might fail? What are my dreams? Where am I afraid of being disappointed again? Do I still pray for things that are impossible without God?
We are going deeper in this process by meeting regularly in small groups over the next few months, studying together Darlene Cunningham's book "Values matter" about YWAM's values and history, and contending for renewal of our hearts in conversation and prayer.
All in!